Rambling Thoughts

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Rambling thoughts, why are people so rude and cruel to other's why are people so cruel. Why do people say things to hurt other people? Cause people pain when they have done nothing to them? Why are people so damn cruel? Why do people like to people sufferings what is it fun to see people cry and hurt. By the cruel words said. See people fight and rant and rave. Why is this so much fun for some people? Are they sic and demented. That they take some kind of pride in making people suffer. Do they get a threat from the pain? Does it make them feel good to see the anger in people does it give them pleasure. Why are some people so damn cruel? Why is life filled with just jerks? Those take pleasures in hurting people. Why why.....



When you are down life seams to take it best puck shots at you. When you are up and every thing looks good there is always someone looking to knock you flat on your face? That's the way life is you get fucked one way then you get fucked another way as soon as things start looking good. Like the saying goes like is a bitch then you die. Life is full of good and bad the bad always out ways the good. So always be prepared to be fuckedf in the end. That's the story of life... be fucked or be the fucker.



People need to stop their childish games people need to grow up and stop the he said she said games those are games for babies not games for grownups. But life is full of those who get the thrill of the he said games. Seeing people fighting among their selves. Full of people that have never grown up. Full of people who like to make others suffer and deal with their childish bull shit. They just love a good argument, a good fight. They just love to cause problems. They just love to see people unhappy, angry why for their own benefits. What is the use in it? What is the purpose of this shit? ... To make people miscible to be some big shit that you can cause shit... Well what comes around goes around...



You keep you keep all you thoughts and feelings bottled up till you want to explode. You keep all the hurt, shame, feelings bottled up, till you want to explode. the dark seams to consume you, you hold back all your feelings you want to scream you want to rant you want to rave but that's not lady like. That's not how it dune so you keep it all bottled up inside you. You want to scream but you just keep you mouth shut. You always keep your thought to your self you always stay quiet like a good little girl taking it all in. taking and taking till it seam that you can't take any more . But you can always take more just like a sponge you just take it all. Keeping it all locked away where no one sees it. Keeping it under control. Trying to not let it consume you. Pushing it to the back of you. Pushing it away just like a good little girl.