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Here are some poems I have written over the years.



Little Angel.......


You are not flesh of my flesh or bone of my bone. But you are still my child. You were birthed by another and raised by many. You are daughter, niece and cousin. One day in the future you will be a mother. But you will always be child, niece and cousin. But you will always be my child.



Mother before time

 Mother before time. I sit and weep. As I think of the life you would have had. I sit and weep and think of the woman you have become. I sit and weep for the childhood that you will lose. I sit and weep and weep and weep. For you became a woman before your time. Your childhood now far behind you. For you are no longer a child. For in some odd months you will have a child of your own. Gone are the days of running at will. Gone are the sleepful nights. Gone are the days of childhood play. Gone are the days of freedom ... For you will be a mother and a child no more.....




  The Choices are your own. All choices are yours to make. Do I go here do I go there? Do I do this or do I do that .What ever choice you make you have to do what is best for you. Do what your heart tells you is right. For you have to live with each decision that you, make. You have to be the one to decide your own future. You have to be the one to live with each decision. That you make. You have to live with the grief, the Love that comes with each decision that you make. Does the child live or die do I keep it or do I not. Do I have an abortion or do I give it up for adoption, do I keep it and raise it my self. You are the only one that can decide, for your self. You and only you can choose your path........              



What would I have been....


 What would I have been? What would I have been? A boy or a girl. Would I have had blue eyes, brown or hazel eyes? What color would my eyes have been? What color would my hair have been? Would I have had sisters and brothers? What would I have been when grew up? What did my parents look like? Was I conceived in love? Was I conceived in hate? Or was I just a mistake who was I to become............ For I will never know...........................



I love the way....

 I Love the way you ... I love the way you hold me. I love your lips on mine. I love your gentle cress as you hold me in your arms. I wish I could always feel the way I do when you hold me. I only wish time would stand still. When Iam in your arms. For I never feel lonely or afraid of anything with your arms around me. I can with stand anything..... With your arms around me.............................



 God Bless America "WAR" WAR As I sit here and think, of all the lives that have been lost. In this terribly act of one man. I think of all those that are on call to go out to fight. Those enlisted men and woman. All those waiting to hear if there is to be a draft. All the pain and suffering that is already going on. All the pain and suffering that will persist with this WAR. All the families already torn apart by these terrible plane crashes, fallen buildings There is so much lose already and there will be so very much more. So many husbands, wives, children, aunts, uncles and friends have already died. And so many more husbands, wives, children, aunts, uncles and friends will die because of one man. For there is no color that shall be spared. There is no American that has not been touched. We must wish all our men and woman Gods speed as they go off to this war. We can not smile as they go out the door, for we know that they may not return. We have shed many tears and will shed many more. As our men and woman go off to war................. God Bless


You are not.....

You are not flesh of My flesh or bone of my bone. But you are still my child. You were birthed by another and raised by many. You are daughter, niece and cousin. One day in the future you will be a mother. But you will always be child, niece and cousin. But you will always be my child.                                    



 Child of Darkness....

When you were born you were thought to be so perfect. But then the dr's said you could not see. You would not see the blue of the sky. The yellow of the sun. You would not see the beauty of the flowers. You would not see the wave's crash upon   the sea sure. You would not see. The birds that fly in the sky. You would not see any of these beauties, Which God crated. For you are a child of darkness, but that doesn't stop you from being a beautiful child. Though you do not see the fluffy clouds in the sky. Or the rain as it falls to the ground. You may not see any of them beauties That God has crated. But you can in see them with your sole. You see the beauty all around you .You may not see it as we do but you see it you feel it you taste it. Child of darkness you are a light in the dark. For that I love you my little one. My child of the dark.



My heart aches my heart breaks........


My heart aches my heart breaks. When you are away from me

My heart aches my heart breaks when you walk out my door.

My heart aches my heart breaks.

When you're not beside me.

My heart aches my heart breaks

When I don't hear your voice.

My heart aches my heart breaks.

To know you are so near and yet so far.

My heart aches my heart breaks.

For our circumstances

My heart aches my heart breaks.

Till your arm's are once again around me.

My heart aches my heart breaks

Till we can be together again.

My heart aches my heart breaks........




What am I......

I sit and wonder what I really am?

Am I your bitch?

Am I your girl? Am I just a booty call?

You say Iam your girl.

You say Iam your bitch.

But lots of times I feel like Iam just a booty call.